Version 4.3

Release Notes | 4.3

AMS-TAC Release Notes | 15-May-2024 -- Maintenance Fixes -- - Updated PostgreSQL libraries to version 16.3 - Updated Telemetry Scripting to include more default context in email request clipboard. - Added in the All Tracking #s report not carried forward from AMS 4.2.x - Updated error handling on new Windows Stream error after restore database - special circumstances. ----------------------------------------- AMS-TAC Release Notes | 17-Apr-2024 -- Maintenance Fixes -- - Updat...

Workbook | 4.3

The AMS-TAC workbook providing instructional guidance on AMS-TAC's functionality can be downloaded with the following link: - Version 4.2: - Version 4.1:

Disable Honeywell Launcher

Disable Honeywell Launcher Are you experiencing problems with the Honeywell Launcher App taking over the device? If so, here are the steps to turn it off. It is important to note that this app was not designed to be a part of your setup. It's possible that someone inadvertently clicked on the app, followed the prompts to enable the application, and unwittingly enabled it. Please inform users to refrain from activating this program. Instruction - Login by providing: - User...

Quick Reference Guide | 4.3

The AMS-TAC quick reference guide can be downloaded with the following link: - Version 4.3: 4.3.X.X Quick Reference Guide.pdf - Version 4.1: 4.1.X.X Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Installation Guide | 4.3

The AMS-TAC installation guide can be downloaded with the following link: - Version 4.3: 4.3.X.X Installation Guide.pdf - Version 4.1: 4.1.X.X Installation Guide.pdf